
Dad/Mom, do You Have The Time?

Dad/Mom, do You Have The Time?

How often do we hear the complaint in the home  “I haven’t got time” ?

“I haven’t got time to explain it to you, son" 
“I haven’t got time to discuss that. You will just have to accept my word for it.”
“I didn’t have time to prepare for this meeting.”
“I can’t stop for lunch. I have too much to do.”

You must have heard every one of these statements at some time or another. You have probably made some of them yourself. And  every one of them is a result of failure on someone’s part to organize their time correctly.

Time is a resource like any other and it must be managed. If it is wasted, it is gone forever. Once it has been used, it cannot be re-used. It is finite and limited. You cannot make more of
it, but you can use it better. This is about your family, please care of about it.

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