
The Declaration of Your Family

The Declaration of Your Family

Why only Corporate or state have the declaration? The family must have too.
Maybe its very important, because its related to the family value. Our familly value

Maybe we have lost sight of our own horizon. While a nation of participants turned into a loose collection of spectators, the business morphed into a monster of business. Instead of "In God We Trust", on our money, money is now the god we trust [the love of $money$ having replaced real love].

Why the value not just applied to our family, with our declaration?
Maybe the same, In God We Trust, our declaration to our family. Its not just slogan, but its our family value. Its our principle for the parent, for the children.

Let us change our mind to the better, to something that works, as outlined in our family document, photo, sign, etc. "In God We Trust", The Declaration of Independence, Happy Family etc

It's time for us to re-invent itself before it implodes on the iceberg of materialism and greed.

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